KUYE CHANGES THE FACE OF SOMOLU...... .....Cheers as he lifts the artisans high. Promises more welfares. An apothegm which is apt to what Hon. Ademorin Kuye had done in Somolu and Bariga is, "When you give people fish, you have not lifted them out of poverty, but when you teach them how to fish, you have elevated them from needs and wants", in othe words, you have cleared the path of poverty and set them up for a decent and respectful living. This statement finds solace in the series of poverty alleviation programmes undertaken by the effervescent lawyer and politician, Hon. Ademorin Aliu Kuye, popularly called MHR. It was a carnival of some sort at the event marking his artisan empowerment programme at his Constituency office, Pedro, in Somolu where he magnanimously doled out various working tools and equipments to 300 lucky artisans in Somolu and Bariga. In a rare display of paying back to the people of his Constituency, various items l...